Here at Icographic we love working with clients to create striking infographics and engaging datavis. Clients include Imperial College, Open Data Institute, United Nations, RICS, UEFA, HMPO, Blueprint, GQ, International Olympic Committee, Octopus and CEH. Please get in touch if you want to discuss a project or see more.
ABOVE: London Map for SHOW media.
ABOVE: Strategy infographic and development for ODI.
ABOVE: Map and infographic on Africa for Imperial College.
ABOVE: Infographic on sustainable plastic use for Imperial College.
ABOVE: Strategy infographic and development for ODI.
ABOVE: Infographic on sustainable energy use for Imperial College.
ABOVE: Information graphics for London 2012 Olympic Souvenir Programme.
ABOVE: Infographic designed for a Powerpoint presentation for Imperial College.
ABOVE: Map design for the Festival of Engineering at UCL.